Jul 23, 2012

Brainstorming Power-Exercises!

5 brainstorming power-exercises you can do in 15 minutes:
  1. Freewriting: Have a general idea or topic in mind. Then set the clock and write anything that comes to mind. No matter where your idea goes, keep writing without stopping to review what you wrote. This technique will help you unlock any article ideas you have locked in your brain.
  2. Recall: After you’ve finished reading something (e.g. an article, book, etc.) set your stopwatch and begin writing everything you can remember about it. Any impressions? How do you think the topic impacts your niche? This technique helps build your authority by gathering new information and sharing originality.
  3. Bounce: Whether it’s a peer, a friend, or family member, talk to someone! Discuss your ideas or a new trend in your niche. This technique helps you get feedback on your idea, gives you another perspective, and allows your original idea to evolve.
  4. Lists: Pick a topic and begin creating a list of all the attributes of that topic. To give your list more direction, attempt to continue narrowing each topic into a more specific topic or list elements that are related to that topic. For example: Fruit, Apples, Seeds, Water, Fructose, Cross-Pollination, Photosynthesis, etc. This technique helps you create articles that are more focused and consider areas that are often left untouched by other Expert Authors in your niche.
  5. Impact: Consider your topic using an “impact” lens or the effect your topic has on you and your readers. Ask yourself: how does your topic impact you, your niche, your community, or society at large? This technique helps you consider your topic from another perspective, as well as creates a point-of-entry or orientation for readers.
Try out one or all of the above 15-minute brainstorming power-exercises to unlock your original ideas and provide quality articles readers crave. Doing so will not only make your writing sessions easier and more fruitful, it will help you increase your exposure and your credibility.

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